Wir sind fuer Sie da


Montag - Freitag von 8-17 Uhr

Wir sind fuer Sie da


Montag - Freitag von 8-17 Uhr

Last Will / Engl.

Player Count: 2-5
Playing Time: 45-75 min.
Age: 14 and up
Language: EN
Author: Vladimír Suchý
EAN: 8594156310165

Preise nach Anmeldung sichtbar
  • Vorbestellung möglich
  • Beim Lieferanten nachbestellt.

In Victorian England, the profits of the Industrial Revolution have given rise to a wealthy upper class of English ladies and gentleman. Sadly, you are not among them. But you do have a rich uncle, recently departed, who decided on his death bed to leave all his money to the relative who will enjoy it the most. To find out who that is, you and your cousins will each be given a substantial sum of money. Whoever can spend it the fastest wil inherit all your uncle's wealth.

Last Will is a race to bankruptcy. In each round, you choose a plan for the day, which determines how many options you will have available and how much time you will have for them. If you don't give yourself enough options, you might find yourself with nothing left to do after attending the theater. If you don't set aside enough time, you might have to forgo dinner prepared by London's most famous chef or a carriage ride with a charming guest. And don't neglect your property investments. Or rather do neglect them: Once your properties depreciate, you can sell them for a pittance, bringing you that much closer to bankruptcy. The upper class lifestyle provides you many opportunities to spend your uncle's money. Just be sure to spend it fast.

A luxurious life of fabulous wealth is within your grasp!

3 double-sided game boards
5 player boards
12 player board extensions
4 property market modifier tokens
31 Event cards
39 Expenses & Helpers cards
24 Properties cards
20 Companions cards
17 Special cards
7 "Last Will" cards
2 Companion wild cards
10 wooden errand boy figures (2 in each of 5 colors)
5 wooden action counters
5 wooden planning markers (1 in each of 5 colors)
1 wooden round counter
1 wooden starting player marker
30 wooden companion tokens in 4 colors
12 wooden property value markers
55 money tokens

Spieltyp: Kennerspiel
Artikelgewicht: 1,40 kg
Made in: Tschechische republik
Herstellerinformationen (GPSR): Czech Games Edition Za cerným mostem 1150/1c 198 00 Praha 14 - Hloubetín Czech Republic info@czechgames.com